April 25, 2024

DAR news

The Nancy McKay Harsh Chapter of the Daughter of the American Revolution meeting was held at The Homestead in Greenfield 9:30 a.m. Aug. 9.

Carol Baudler, Julie Sorensen and Karla Caltrider served as hostesses.

Regent Connie Kinkade called the meeting to order. Pam Marvin read the President General’s message. State Regent Sharon Braden was a guest speaker and gave the State Regent’s Message. Connie Kinkade read the three minute defense report. All members recited the DAR rituals.

Twelve members answered roll call by telling why they joined the DAR. There were three guests at the meeting. Minutes from July meeting were unavailable. Treasurer Bonnie Riepe gave her report stating the current treasury balance of $ 406.79. Bills presented were to Laura Guhse for yearbooks.

Hazel Braby gave the conservation moment. Theresa Bahniuck gave the Indian moment. Laura Guhse gave the Constitution moment and Darlene Morgan gave the flag moment. Jan Morgan talked about women’s issues and Marjorie Kinkade gave the sunshine moment.

Installation of new officers was done by State Regent Sharon Braden.

New officer are:

Theresa Bahniuk — Regent

Jane Briley — Vice-Regent

Connie Kinkade — Chaplin

Laura Guhse — Secretary

Bonnie Riepe — Treasurer

Marjorie Kinkade — Registrar

Elaine Brown — Historian

Acting Chaplain Jan Morgan gave the closing prayer.

The next meeting will be 9:30 a.m. Sept. 13 at the Greater Regional Medical Center conference room. The program will be Ellis Island by Deb Richardson and Jennifer Queener. Roll call will be an ancestor who came through Ellis Island. Hostesses are Pam Marvin, Charlotte Asell and Suzanne Frost

Any woman 18 years of age who has an ancestor who was a patriot in the Revolutionary War is eligible to join DAR and would be welcome at the meetings.

Contact Marjorie Kinkade, Registrar, or Theresa Bahniuk, Regent, Nancy McKay Harsh Chapter.