February 19, 2025

Feb. 3 Iowa Caucuses instituting historic changes

Sign-in will open at 6 p.m. on February 3rd at Clarke Community High School. There will be handicap parking spots on the east side of the school near the auditorium entrance (#32) and a few more on the south side of the building near the band room entrance (#8). Both of those doors will be open for people to enter. Signs and volunteers will direct people to their specific precinct location within the building.

“We would like to encourage people to know their precinct before arriving. They can use the Secretary of State website to look up their precinct by entering their address,” said Sarah Truitt Co-Chair of the Clarke County Democrats.

Caucus goers who have completed the early check-in online form need to print it out, sign it, and bring it with them on caucus night in order to enter through the early check-in line.

Caucus goers can leave after the first alignment if their candidate hits the15 percent threshold in the first round. Their support will be recorded on a presidential preference card and will provide a paper trail should a recount be necessary.

“We will have a paper trail this year in the form of Presidential Preference cards. First choice will be recorded on front side and signed by caucus-goer. If their group is viable, cards will be collected. If they realign, their second choice will be recorded on the back of the card,” said Truitt. “This is in an effort to report real numbers so that people feel their voice is being heard.”

There are satellite caucus sites available this year across the country and some in other countries for Iowa Democratic voters to be able to participate even if traveling. The satellite caucus time is 6 p.m. CST Feb. 3 and voters must have filled out a pre-registration form to vote via satellite.

Viability support will be locked during the alignment period. A candidate’s support can only change if they receive additional supporters in the realignment. These locked results also apply to uncommitted groups that are viable on the first or final alignment.

“It’s really important to think about strategy,” said Truitt.

The allocation of national delegates will be determined on caucus night, not as a result of the convention process. The Iowa Democratic Party will release three numbers from each precinct on caucus night: totals from the first alignment, final alignment, and the state delegate equivalents (SDE) earned by each presidential preference group. Only viable candidates can earn SDE, and the number is determined post-realignment. Presidential campaigns will be able to request a canvass, and if needed, a recount, of the caucus results (statewide or by congressional district) if they can show that the result could affect the allocation of delegates to the national convention.

If democratic voters have any question about caucus night call Sarah Truitt at (515)402-7517.