January 10, 2025

Osceola Public Library Hosts Homeschoolers

Parents who want to teach their children from home have more options now than ever before. Along with relaxing state laws to allow for more flexibility, families are finding - and creating - more opportunities in their communities for socialization and planned learning.

The Osceola Public Library offers homeschooling families the chance to get together with other children and engage in planned activities the third Friday of the month, from 1 to 2 p.m. Homeschool Craft Days are organized by Children's Librarian Krista Woodard.

Homeschooling Laws in Iowa

Iowa law's changed in 2013 to make homeschooling easier in Iowa. Parents have the option to choose between several different types of guidance. Families who would prefer working with a licensed teacher or taking the same assessments other school children take during the year have the opportunity. There are also dual-enrollment provisions for students who want to enroll in public school part-time or take part in extra-curricular activities, like sports or choir.

For more information on homeschooling in Iowa and the Osceola area, check out Osceola, IA Homeschooling Parents on Facebook.