March 18, 2025

Murray FFA represents well at State Fair, ready for new year

The Murray FFA was represented at the State Fair by three students who participated in events. Bailey Brummel showed her horse and mule in the FFA Horse show. She participated in halter classes and in several English, Western, and speed riding events. Daylee Hembry showed two Duroc breeding gilts in the FFA Swine show and won an award presented by the Duroc Association. Shelby Mathes also represented Clarke County in the Iowa State Fair Queen Contest.

The Murray FFA has several events and activities coming up this fall. September 12th is the Welcome Back Parent/Member Ice Cream Social. All parents and members are invited to the Ag Shop to enjoy ice cream before the home volleyball game that night. On September 19th, the FFA Chapter will showcase their Career Development Skills at South Central CDE Day in Osceola. The students will then prepare for District Soil-Judging at Knoxville the end of September, sell fruit, meat, cheese and butterbraids from October 6th to the 20th, and attend National FFA Convention in Indianapolis Convention to wrap up the month of October.