March 09, 2025

DAR meeting minutes

Eleven members attended the Aug. 11 meeting of the Nancy McKay Harsh Chapter, DAR at Summit House in Creston. Hostesses were Pam Marvin, Bonnie Riepe and Jan Morgan. Special guest was Marsha Hucke, DAR State of Iowa Regent who informed the group on the renovations of Constitution Hall, the DAR home in Washington D.C. Hucke’s special project is to raise funds for new curtains in the Iowa Room.

The following officers were inducted for 2018-19: Regent Jan Morgan, Vice-Regent Suzanne Adkisson, Secretary Lynne Schlaht, Treasurer Bonnie Riepe, Historian Elaine Brown and Chaplain Connie Kinkade.

Judith Wachter gave the program on Women’s Suffrage. Roll call was answered with the question: Who was the first president you voted for?

Jan Morgan gave the President General’s message, Connie Kinkade gave the National Defense Report and the Commemorative Events Moment, Elaine Brown the Indian Moment, Suzanne Adkisson the Conservation Moment, Rosalie O’Grady the Constitution Moment, Bonnie Riepe the Flag Moment, and Darlene Morgan, Women’s Issues. Pam Marvin told about Iowan Adelaide Pollard during the Women in Iowa Moment.

Pam encouraged everyone to bring a donation of books in order to help the soldiers at Fort Leonardwood start a library. Members voted to give their “Worthy Cause” fund to Food for Life. Jan announced that members are invited to a reception in Coralville for Marsha Hucke on Aug. 26. Also, the Abigail Adams Chapter will hold a 125th celebration on Nov. 10 at the Wakonda Country Club in Des Moines.

The Nancy McKay Harsh Chapter has earned a DAR Good Citizens Committee award for contacting 10 or more schools and a Chapter Achievement Award, Level 1, for 2017.

The next meeting will be Sat. Sept. 8, 9:30 a.m. at Summit House in Creston. Bonnie Riepe will give the program on World War I Stereoscopic Photos. Roll call will be: Bring a historic picture. Hostesses will be Bonnie and Lynne Schlaht.