January 25, 2025

West Lake Ice Out

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The 2019 West Lake Ice Out ice fishing tournament was rescheduled for 7:30 a.m. Feb. 3 at West Lake in Osceola.

This is a huge tournament with many prizes including cash prize opportunities. This is the 6th annual ice fishing tournament. 200 teams of up to two people can register for $125. That registry fee includes the team entry into the 2019 West Lake Ice Out ice fishing tournament, one entry into the door prize drawings and two meal tickets.

There is a banquet the night before the tournament at Lakeside Casino Events Center. The banquet is not a requirement but the entry fee is the same even if contestants choose not to attend.

The first place prize is $3,000 and lesser cash prizes are given all the way down to 10th place winners.

"Every contestant that attends has never gone home without a door prize," said Cody Mundy.

The tournament leader and coordinator is Cody Mundy. He started the tournament after attending a few other ice fishing tournament himself.

"I thought I could help the lake out and bring people to town for this event," said Mundy.

There are no age or equipment limits other than state law requirements. Fishermen are only allowed to travel by foot on the lake.

The tournament in the past has averaged around 100 contestants.

Mundy, along with a committee close friends and family start planning the event mid summer in order to have everything coordinated. Thousands of dollars go into this annual tournament.

"This event brings many people from out of town for the weekend," said Mundy. "If someone hasn't been to this tournament it is really a fun and family oriented event with great payouts, plaques and lots of prizes to win."