Osceola Police Chief Marty Duffus is now the vice president of the Iowa Police Officers Association.
After the new president, Mike McKelvey, was nominated this year Duffus was asked to step up as vice president. Duffus had previously served as a board member.
"Never once did I expect it. I was perfectly happy right where I was at but when Mike called I felt that it was something I could do. So now I'm vice president," said Duffus.
As vice president anytime McKelvey is not available to be at meetings, legislative functions or to represent the organization Duffus steps in.
Different peace officers associations along with the Firefighter Association get together to come up with joint resolutions that they want to take to the legislature for the year. Board members of the IOPA attend this meeting. Duffus, as vice president, would chair any committees that have an empty chair.
The six board memebers of the IOPA have phone conferences monthly as the members are spread across the state. They also regulary keep in touch via email.
The IOPA lobbies the state legislature and try to get laws passed in the best interest of their profession. Any member must be a police officer but officers do not have to be a part of the IOPA. Non-members are encouraged to bring up concerns to members.
This volunteer organization holds a training conference annually, donates to a variety of chairies, and holds an annual law enfocement softball tournament. They donate to the organization Iowa Cops, which takes care of fallen officers families as well as D.A.R.E.