March 09, 2025

CARSPA March meeting minutes

CARSPA met for their monthly meeting on Monday, March 11, at 9:30 a.m. at the Osceola Senior Center following social time at 9 a.m. Hostesses served decorated St. Patricks’ Day cookies.

Guest presenter was Joe Hynek. He shared the history of the development of the Murray radio station KSOI 91.1FM. After graduation from Mt. Ayr high school, he pursued education in computer engineering, ag engineering and more at ISU, and then graduate school at ISU. He determined that the southern Iowa area needed some good music on a radio station, and he pursued his goal.

Joe found there was a stack of forms required to complete to meet all the government regulations and grant applications for funding for a station’s equipment, towers, and much more. Initially, Joe provided personal funding to get started, followed by personal funding and getting donations. He had to get the 501C3 forms completed and approved as a charitable, tax-deductible station at a filing fee of $700. He determined that one room of a house he purchased in Murray would become the radio station. Then a ground study of an area 1 meter by 1 meter by 1 meter was required to determine if the Ken Cheers ground would have a sturdy foundation for a tower. The towers required special cement foundations, again adding to the cost of a station. One of the towers is on his own property in Murray, the other tower is located on the Ken Cheers’ property in Union County. Joe shared that when the tower pieces were delivered on two semis to the Cheers property, the company had not sent any way to unload, so his relative’s equipment was used to unload and move the equipment to the tower’s spot. The towers are federally regulated, and a E106 study was required at a cost. He had to hire a biologist to determine if this would endanger some bats, then hire an archeologist to check for Indian remains as 12 tribes have been in southern Iowa, and approval was needed from each. He was required to have a board, currently composed of his volunteer relatives and himself. There was a required radio broadcast frequency study for about $200. The application for a 91.9 filing for a radio station license was $3,000. He hired the Afton Crane Company to assembly the tower. Joe used his automation expertise to complete all the wiring.

Joe had started the application process in 2007. In 2009 he completed the lengthy grant application for tower PTFB grant for 75 percent of $300,000 toward the cost of the station. The Clarke County Development Corporation, the City of Osceola, the Murray Development Corporation and the Osceola Kids Club made donations to help with the costs. Many individuals provided many volunteer hours and support. He received the permit to build in 2010. The station was on the air August 2013. In 2014 he got married, adding to his adventures, they now have a 3-year-old son who watches him when he is working in the station. The cost to build the operational station was about $314,000. The station is currently operating with 30 volunteers every week.

Costs continue as the electric and maintenance bills run $1,500 a month. To arrange for Sponsorship ads, contact Joe at Sponsorship ads pay the bills for 91.9 FM KSOI Southern Iowa Community Radio.

President Linda Foland opened the meeting with a reading.

There were eleven members present. Minutes from the November 19, 2018, meeting were read by Venita Escher. The Treasurer’s report was given by Sharon Cameron. The minutes and treasurer’s reports were approved.

The March 11, 2019, beginning and ending balance was $979.85

Linda Foland will schedule a meeting for the memorial committee to determine an appropriate use of the Memorial money donation CARSPA received.

Updates on some member’s health issues were shared. Member Bev Edwards passed away January 19, 2019.

May 9, 2019, will be the District 4 Meeting in Creston. October 4, 2018, will be the state IRSPA meeting in Iowa City. Everyone is encouraged to attend these informative and entertaining meetings.

Venita Escher listed a few changes for members to make in the program books.

There were concerns of legislative actions to elimination of nurses and librarians in schools, as both are needed and provide many benefits in education.

The next meeting will be April 8, 2019. The scheduled speaker is Chris Robins to present a program on photography. Anyone who has worked in education is invited to attend.

The auditing committee will meet before the next meeting.