March 09, 2025

CARSPA April meeting minutes

CARSPA met for their monthly meeting on Monday, April 8, at 9:30 a.m. Hostesses JoAnn Wilson and Bev Sims served decorated Easter cookies with the tables decorated for Easter.

Guest presenter was Chris Robins. She shared her history as to how she chose photography as her career. She started taking an interest in taking pictures when she got her first camera in 6th grade. Being a girl with 3 brothers, she played all sports with her brothers. She went to SWCC and got a 2-year degree in Media. She started her Photography Business in 1981. In 2003, she had to move to her present-day building due to a fire. Going from film to digital has been quite a change. Chris takes a lot of family photos, graduation, baby to senior, and wedding photos. If a family member could not be present at the time of the photo, Chris can leave space for the person.  She showed some samples of photos on Canvas and on Tin.  Members enjoyed hearing Chris’ personal story.

The cost of the cameras and lenses are quite different than those that individuals might purchase at local stores--any where from  $1500 for the lens and up to $8000 for the camera. That’s why it’s important to carry insurance on the equipment.

It was great to see members June Lohr and Mildred Ashley--now that the weather has improved.

Due to the time, President Linda Foland shortened the business meeting. There were 9 members present with absences noticed. Minutes from the March 11, 2019, meeting were read by President Foland with corrections made about the 2019 State meeting being in Denison, Iowa, and not in Iowa City. The treasurer’s Report  was given by Sharon Cameron. The minutes and  the Treasurer’s Reports were approved. The Treasurer’s books were audited before the meeting that morning by the Auditing Committee of Louise Mason, Linda Foland, and Mildred Ashley.

A committee of Louise Mason, Beverly Schader, and Linda Foland had met to discuss what to do with the McCann memorial money. It was voted on and decided to purchase a set of books at second grade level to be placed in the second grade rooms at Clarke elementary school to be used by the students for so many weeks at a time and then passed on to the next room until all rooms have had the opportunity to use them.

President Linda Foland provided information about the District IV meeting to be held in Creston on May 9,2019. A sign-up sheet was passed around for members to sign if they plan to attend, as President Foland has to let them know by April 28.

The next meeting is to be held May 13,2019. The hostesses will be Venita Escher and Eleanor Gage. The program will be Scott Kent with the topic of Beekeeping.

President Linda Foland closed the meeting by reading the poem --”Easter Morn”.