March 09, 2025

Library Board meeting minutes

The Osceola Public Library Board of Trustees met at 4:59 p.m. on Monday, June 10, 2019 in the board room. Members present were: Boldon, Thompson, Emary, Adams, Bishop, librarian with Oshel, Shough, Mateer, Hull and Woodward as guests.

The agenda was reviewed and Emary moved it be approved. Boldon seconded and the motion carried.

The minutes of the May meeting were read and Thompson moved to accept them. Emary seconded and the motion carried.

The treasurer’s report showed a balance of $35,291.30. The Warrant Register was reviewed. It’s a five week month so that’s five paychecks per employee. The Alliant bill is not on the Register. Thompson moved we approve the Warrant Register with the addition of the Alliant bill. Emary seconded and the motion carried. The Year-to-Date spending shows we are a bit over budget especially with the Alliant bill not added. Aric talked to Ty Wheeler, city administrator, and he said not to worry about the overrun. Boldon moved that no checks be written on the library checking account unless there is prior approval by the board. Adams seconded. Motion did not pass. Emary moved to change the first motion to include an amount of above $250 without prior board approval. Adams seconded and the motion carried.

Circulation: Aric noted that no periodicals had been checked out last month. It was suggested that people might donate old magazines or even pay for a periodical subscription they want the library to carry. A survey of the magazines people want will be conducted to see about this issue. Wi-Fi and computer usage are up. The IPad table will be here in August.

Old Business:

Ballot question - City administrator, Ty Wheeler sent a sample ballot question. We compared it with the one we had suggested. We decided to have: The Osceola Public Library Board of Trustees shall be composed of a minimum of five city members and up to four non-city members. All members are to be appointed by the mayor with the approval of the city council. All members of the board shall be bona fide citizens of the city or Clarke County.

New Business:

Part-time help- We need additional staff to get us back up to seven employees. Aric will check with current staff to see if any of them want more hours. If a person is hired, there will only be limited hours (5-10) weekly- Saturday and possibly Tuesday for now. Staff are already rotating shifts on Saturdays. Krista and Tessa will interview candidates and Aric will have the final say. Thompson moved that we hire up to two part-time workers. Emary seconded and the motion carried.

Book discussion attendance- Boldon had been approached by a few patrons wondering why the director was never at book discussion. It has nothing to do with Lonna. After some discussion it was decided that the board does not feel Aric has to attend every function. The board will not require that Aric attend book discussions. Boldon will tell the patrons concerned about this to come in during the day if they’d like to meet the director.

Library conference- Adams moved that we pay all three attendees’ fees- conference cost, workshops, meals and motel. The attendee will present receipts. The money will be taken from the Switzer account. Boldon seconded and the motion carried. The cost of the motel will be given to the board before the conference.

Evaluation- We will do Aric’s evaluation in November. Mike had the form from the city that we have used for years. Aric will give us some other evaluation sites to look over. We’ll discuss these later.

There was no further business to come before the board so Thompson moved we adjourn at 6:38 p.m. Emary seconded and the motion carried.