March 09, 2025

CARSPA July meeting minutes

CARSPA met for their monthly meeting on Monday, July 8, at 9:30 a.m. at the Osceola Senior Center following social time. Hostesses June Lohr and Louise Mason served doughnuts.

Linda Foland opened the business meeting with a poem “Summer”. Members recited the pledge to the flag and sang “Grace”. There were nine people present. There was not a speaker present.

Venita Escher read the June 10 minutes. Roll call and the Treasurer’s report was given by Sharon Cameron. The minutes and treasurer’s reports were approved.

Still needed is a small portable container for the McCann memorial book set “The Magic Treehouse.”

Members were reminded that volunteer hours need to be collected in July and submitted to the state in August.

Several cards were sent and a received thank you card was read. Several other members health issues were recognized.

Anyone who has supported or worked in education in any capacity is invited to attend CARSPA meetings.

The possibility of adding a fun activity on the third Monday of some months was discussed. This would be a week after some of the regular meetings. Possibilities would include a chance to tour or visit some sites and/or eat out.

Ideas for programs for the coming year are needed. The program committee will be meeting soon.

Linda Foland read some articles From the Mouths in “Our Iowa Magazine.”