March 09, 2025

CARSPA August meeting minutes

CARSPA met for their monthly meeting on Monday, August 12, at 9 a.m. at the Osceola Senior Center following social time. Hostesses Bev Shader and Mildred Ashley served doughnuts and rolls.

Guest presenter was Marissa B. from the Clarke County Hospital. Marissa has been a nurse for 12 years. She was worked in OB Nursing and now is in infection nursing. She discussed the pneumonia shot. The shingles shot is now a two-step preventative, with vaccines 2 to 6-months apart. She recommended before getting the shingles shots that we compare prices at the pharmacy, your doctor, public health, private insurance, and medicare. The shingles shot may be about $300 as medicare and some insurances do not pay for these vaccines. The tetanus shot needs updated every 10 years. Pertussis is for whooping cough. Your tetanus and diphtheria vaccines may be current. The flu shot is not a stomach flu prevention, but it is a preventive shot for respiratory problems. Iowa registration may have your vaccine records.

Linda Foland opened the business meeting with a poem “Fair Time” from the Ideals magazine.

Members recited the pledge to the flag, sang “Grace”, and “School Days” in anticipation of school starting on Aug. 23. There were nine people present.

Venita Escher read the July 8 minutes. Roll call and the Treasurer’s report was given by Sharon Cameron. The minutes and treasurer’s reports were approved.

Still needed is a small portable container for the McCann memorial book set “The Magic Treehouse.”

Members were reminded that volunteer hours need to be submitted to the state in August.

Health issues of several members and their families needing prayers were recognized.

Anyone who has supported or worked in education in any capacity is invited to join CARSPA.

The program committee met to plan for programs for the coming year.

Two books, “The History of the Iowa State Fair” and “Bill Riley on the Air”, were previewed by members. It was decided that the book about Bill Riley would be the memorial book in honor of Ann Burrell, as she and her family went to the state fair nearly every year. Linda Foland will take the book to the Osceola Library.

Linda Foland reviewed the schedule of events for the IRSPA State meeting on Oct. 2-3 in Denison.

Linda Foland read some articles from the mouths of kids in “Our Iowa Magazine.”