CARSPA learned Clarke County Hospital updates at October meeting

CARSPA met for their monthly meeting on Monday, October 14, at 9:00 a.m. at the Osceola Senior Center. Hostesses Sharon Cameron and JoAnn Wilson served doughnuts.

Guest presenter was Tom Bahls. He has been the Foundation Coordinator at Clarke County Hospital since October, 2018. He talked about some of his prior jobs before his family moved to Osceola. He praised the USDA grant for telecommunication and trauma and benefits received for Central Decatur, Clarke, Murray, and Lamoni Schools. Auxiliary volunteers benefit the hospital and more volunteers are always welcome. The plant sale lets people see the hospital. Many specialty services, knee replacements, and more are now available. Dr. Hughes is a cancer doctor who comes here. A negative pressure room treats patients for toxic drug chemicals. Costs prevent some equipment and services to be offered in Osceola. The Clarke County Clinic provides services for walk-in patients from 7-7 p.m. and on weekends 9-5 p.m. Wait times are usually 5-10 minutes. During the first month of the walk-in offering, 640 people were served. A grant in July for $75,000 and a Dekko Foundation for $4,500 provided a nursing skills lab and manikins, train the trainers to recognize trauma, and more. A kids art show will be offered Tuesday, November 26 before Thanksgiving.

Linda Foland read an Our Iowa article, “Church Chuckles.”

Ten members recited the pledge and sang “Grace”, accompanied by Jeri Lytton.

Venita Escher read the October 14 minutes. Roll call and the Treasurer’s report was given by Sharon Cameron. After a correction in the minutes, the minutes and treasurer’s reports were approved.

Linda Foland took memorial books to the library. Doris White Garner donated some plaques.

Brochures on Aetna Medicare Supplemental Insurance and Hospital Indemnity Flex Insurance from the IRSPA State Meeting were distributed. Those plans are underwritten by Aetna. Information on AMBA discounts and AARP benefits were available.

IPERS is 83-84% funded, which is much better than most retirement plans.

All members now have the new 2019-2020 program books.

Health issues of some members and their families were shared. The Jerry & Rabbit (Roberta) Zavitz former IRSPA co-presidents were in a bad car accident when returning home from the State Meeting in Denison.

IRSPA needs representatives from District 4 to serve on these committees: Constitution & Bylaws, Health-Care Advocacy, Legislative, Membership, Public Relations, and Supportive Services. If interested in serving in any of these positions, contact Venita Escher.

IRSPA’s desire for bylaws inclusion of a plan for any unlikely unit discontinuance was discussed and objections were introduced.

Iowa ranked 4th in volunteer hours reported to IRSPA from 2018-2019.

One of the sessions at the State Meeting was “Remembering the Orphans 1854-1929 Orphan Train Movement”. Lori Vicker presented many details from her research of the orphans’ experiences.

A tour of the Donna Reed Performing Arts Theater and Museum in Denison gave attendees an opportunity to learn the history of restoration of the 1881 German Opera House and the inclusion of the Candy Kitchen. In the lobby’s museum were photos of Donna Reed’s life and activities leading to becoming a star. Attendees viewed the Donna Reed Show, “It’s a Wonderful Life,” in the theater which seats 274 on the main floor and 370 in the balcony.

Pamphlets from the IRSPA State Meeting in Denison were passed around. One of the sessions was on Human Trafficking in Iowa. Here are some of the highlights from those sheets:.

The Polaris Project operates the National Human Trafficking Resource Center and its national hotline at 1-888-373-7888 to get help or information. DHS investigates human trafficking and protects victims. Human trafficking victims include men, women, boys, girls, and transgender individuals, often lured by the promise of a better life.

End Child Prostitution and child pornography and Trafficking (ECPAT) is a global network of organizations working to stopchildren being used for sexual purposes. Crisis assistance for Human Trafficking victims is provided through various organizations in Des Moines, Waverly, Davenport, Cedar Rapids, Dubuque, Waterloo, Ames, and Omaha.

IOWA NETWORK AGAINST HUMAN TRAFFICKING AND SLAVERY ( is the Des Moines based anti-human trafficking network for Iowa. Many resources and web sites were cited in the materials. Statistics were shared at the Denison meeting about youth abductions, sex trafficking and human trafficking as modern slavery exploitation, child sex trafficking, child labor trafficking in Iowa where victims are often kept in bondage through fear, intimidation, abuse, and psychological controls. One of eight endangered runaway youths is likely a victim of human trafficking. Be an advocate for victims of human trafficking.

Plan now to attend the next IRSPA Annual State Meeting on October 7-8, 2020, at Honey Creek in District 5.

The Leon Craft Fair will be November 9.

Remember, the Osceola Senior Center will be closed on November 11 for Veteran’s Day. Therefore, the next CARPA meeting will be November 18 with hostesses Jeri Lytton and Leota Broyles. Ann Murr will present Drake’s Adult Reading Program. Anyone who has supported or worked in education in any capacity is invited to join CARSPA.

Jeri Lytton shared a story about a government inspector who displayed his badge and declared he could go anywhere. He was warned, “Don’t go in that field!” “Here’s my badge and I can go anywhere.” Then there was a yell, “HELP, the bull is chasing me.” The response was “Just show him your badge.”

Linda Foland read an article, “Grandkids say the cutest things.” The meeting adjourned at 10”50.