March 09, 2025

Clarke Area Retired School Personnel Association March 9 meeing

CARSPA met for their monthly meeting on Monday, March 9, 2020, at 9 a.m. at the Osceola Senior Center. Hostesses Marge Faulkner and Martha Snell served doughnuts while members visited.

Scheduled guest presenter was unable to attend as she had become a victim of the flu.

Several concerns of members and their families were shared. Mildred Ashley passed away January 16, 2020. Eleanor Gage lost her brother from cancer. Linda lost her sister, Sandy, to cancer and then pneumonia. Sandy had worked at Clarke County State Bank for years.

Linda Foland opened the business meeting with a poem “Winter’s End.”

Ten members recited the pledge and sang “Grace”, accompanied by pianist, Jeri Lytton .

Venita Escher read the November 18, 2019, minutes from the last meeting. Sharon Cameron gave the roll call and the Treasurer’s report.

After a correction in the minutes, the minutes and treasurer’s reports were approved.

The District 4 meeting is scheduled for May 19, 2020, at the Perry Trinity Lutheran Church. The tentative plans for the meeting were shared. (Note: Since the March 9 CARSPA meeting, the Corona virus has resulted in the cancellation of the District 4 meeting scheduled for May 19, 2020, in Perry . The District 4 meeting in Dallas County is rescheduled for next year on May 18, 2021.)

Anyone who is unhappy with drug prices, Veteran’s benefits, or other issues need to contact Chuck Grassley, Joni Ernst and other legislators with any concerns. They must hear from you so they will know what changes you want.

Suggestions were solicited and several suggestions were received for speakers for next year’s CARSPA meetings.

Linda Foland read an article, “From the Mouths of Little Ones” from the “Our Iowa” magazine. Jeri Lytton shared some Irish jokes.

The meeting adjourned at 10:30. The next meeting is scheduled for April 13 with a program on accordion basics to advanced.