January 21, 2025

COVID-19 community update

To date, we have no known positive cases of COVID-19 in Clarke County. This good news can be attributed, in no small part, to the emphasis being placed on the importance of social distancing and self-isolation by the Iowa Department of Public Health, our community’s Public Health Agency and healthcare facilities.

Isolation Guidance for Iowans - Iowa Department of Public Health

COVID-19 is circulating in Iowa communities, and many more Iowans are likely to become ill in the coming weeks. This guidance describes isolation recommendations for well Iowans with potential COVID-19 exposure and Iowans who are ill with a fever or respiratory symptoms (like a cough or difficulty breathing).

Isolation recommendations for well Iowans with potential COVID-19 exposure: Iowans should stay at home and isolate themselves from other people and animals in the home in the following situations (isolation should be in place for 14 days after the last exposure):

• Traveled outside of Iowa for business or vacation in the last 14 days.

• Taken a cruise anywhere in the world in the last 14 days.

• Live with someone who has symptoms of COVID-19 or has tested positive for COVID-19.



individuals with a fever or



Approximately 80 percent of Iowans infected with COVID-19 will experience only a mild to moderate illness. Most mildly ill Iowans do not need to go to their healthcare provider or be tested to confirm they have COVID-19. Sick Iowans must stay home and isolate themselves from others in their house. Stay home and isolate from others in the house until:

• You have had no fever for at least 72 hours (that is three full days of no fever without the use of medicine that reduces fevers)


• other symptoms have improved (for example, when your cough or shortness of breath have improved)


• at least seven days have passed since your symptoms first appeared.

If you think you may need healthcare, call first. Your provider can assess whether you need to be seen in the office or if you can recover at home. Also, there may be options for you to talk to a medical provider from home using technology.

Clarke County Hospital is maintaining a necessary supply of testing kits to test all patients who are showing symptoms of COVID-19 AND have the appropriate risk factors to be deemed at risk. Older people, and people with pre-existing medical conditions (such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease), appear to be more vulnerable to becoming severely ill with the virus. If a test is medically necessary, once taken, it is sent to the State Hygenic Lab, and the results are returned to us within 24-48 hours.

Emergency Operations

The Emergency Operations Center Team that has been meeting since March 2 and includes representatives from the City of Osceola, Clarke and Murray Community School Districts, Law Enforcement, Clarke County Public Health, Emergency Management, Clarke County Hospital and Southern Hills Specialty Care have been working hard to address many issues related to COVID-19 that are affecting our community:

Childcare for Essential Workers: The City of Osceola has written a grant to obtain funding that would pay for free childcare for the children of essential workers. There will be more news on this much-needed service in the coming days.

Food Delivery: While the Public Health Department has been able to deliver food to many of the elderly and at risk in our community, they are working with Emergency Management, the City of Osceola, and area grocery stores to develop a sustainable system that has the capacity to meet the potential need if a stay-in-place order is made by the Governor. More information on this program can be obtained from Clarke County Public Health (641-342-3724 or www.clarkecountypublichealth.org)

Clarke County Hospital: CCH is now screening all persons entering the Hospital. The full visitor policy is listed below.

Personal Protective Equipment: There continues to be significant shortages of PPE and cleaning supplies. Clarke County Public Health is coordinating donations of PPE from area businesses and organizations - a heartfelt thanks for mask donations from Cross Ministries, Highway Lumber, and Crossroads Behavioral Health Services. Please see the flyer below for more information on how you can help!

School Meal Program: Both Clarke and Murray Community School Districts have instituted meal programs for students while they are not attending classes. For more information on these programs, go to:

• Clarke Community School District: https://www.clarke.k12.ia.us/

• Murray Community School District: https://www.murraycsd.org/

Hand washing, surface sanitizing, social distancing, and staying home to continue to be the primary preventative measures we all should be practicing.

Continue to receive COVID-19 news from

trusted sources:

• 211 IOWA https://www.211iowa.org/ or call: 2-1-1, or 515-246-6555

• Disease Control and Prevention at www.cdc.gov

• Iowa Department of Public Health at https://idph.iowa.gov/

• Clarke County Public Health at https://clarkehosp.org/