Budget hearings set for county, Clarke Schools on April 10

Budget hearings for the fiscal year 2023-34 have been set for April 10 for both the Clarke County Board of Supervisors and Clarke Community Schools.

Clarke County

A public hearing for the proposed Clarke County FY 23-24 budget is set for 10 a.m., Monday, April 10 in the Board of Supervisors’ office in the Clarke County Courthouse.

Total revenue and other sources budgeted for FY 23-24 is $10,787,221, a slight decrease from the re-estimated FY 22-23, which was $11,445,296. The expenditures subtotal for the coming year is budgeted at $11,451,341, also down from the re-estimated FY 22-23′s $12,483,175.

Proposed tax rates per $1,000 taxable valuation in rural areas is 12.68893, and 7.46953 in urban areas. County wide levies are budgeted at $3,663,806, rural only levies at $1,477,021 with a utility replacement excise tax of $125,242.

The proposed general basic tax rate per $1,000 of taxable value is 4.92306 with a maximum general basic tax of 3.50000. Dollars to be generated in excess of the maximum would be $714,222. For rural basic property, the proposed tax rate per $1,000 of taxable value is 4.71497 with the maximum at 3.95000. Dollars to be generated in excess of the maximum would be $222,361.

The major reasons for the differences between the maximum base tax rates and the proposed tax rates for both general basic and rural basic are the continued need for additional money to permit the continuation of services that provide benefits to county residents, and a lack of sufficient increase to the property tax base in the county.

At the hearing, any resident or taxpayer may voice their objections for or against the proposed budget.

A copy of the proposed budget and levies is available in the March 30 edition of the Osceola Sentinel-Tribune, online at http://iowanotices.org/ or at the Clarke County Auditor’s Office.

Clarke schools

The budget hearing for Clarke Community Schools will be held on Monday, April 10 in the Administration Conference Room at Clarke Schools at 5:30 p.m.

Total resources budgeted for 2024 are $28,994,789, up from the re-estimated 2023 budget of $27,731,387. Total expenditures are also up in the budget for 2024 at $24,640,068 from 2023′s re-estimated $22,006,613. The ending fund balance for FY24 is budgeted at $3,174,721; 2023′s re-estimated amount if $4,193,097.

The proposed property tax rate per $1,000 of taxable valuation is 16.47839.

At the hearing, any resident or taxpayer may voice their objections for or against the proposed budget.

A copy of the proposed budget is available in the March 30 edition of the Osceola Sentinel-Tribune, online at http://iowanotices.org/ or by request from the district secretary.

Candra Brooks

A native of rural Union County, Candra holds a Bachelor's Degree in English from Simpson College and an Associate's Degree in Accounting from SWCC. She has been at the Osceola newspaper since October 2013, working as office manager before transitioning to the newsroom in spring 2022.