March 06, 2025

Clarke Community Schools’ statement on masks

Statement from the Clark Community Schools Superintendent, Alan R. Dykens, to parents and students

On Sept. 13, an Iowa federal court judge issued a temporary restraining order preventing the enforcement of section 280.31 of the Iowa Code. This section would ban school districts from adopting, enforcing or implementing a policy that requires a school district’s employees, students or members of the public to wear a facial covering for any purpose while on a school district’s property.

The effect of the court order is that school districts may again adopt, enforce, and/or implement policies that require school district employees, students, and/or members of the public to wear facial coverings while on school district property. Note that this is a temporary order and will be in place while the federal court considers whether a more permanent order will be issued.

In response, the Office of the Governor issued the following statement: “Today, a federal judge unilaterally overturned a state law, ignored the decision by our elected legislature and took away parents’ ability to decide what’s best for their child. We will appeal and exercise every legal option we have to uphold state law and defend the rights and liberties afforded to any American citizen protected by our constitution.”

Superintendent Dr. Alan Dykens stated, “The Clarke Community School District, for now, will not implement a mask mandate, and will review all relevant data to move forward in a measured and informed manner. Additionally, we will continue to work together to focus on our most important task - teaching and learning. We will continue to keep you posted and informed of all relevant information pertaining to this issue.”

For information or for any further questions, contact the superintendent at 641-342-4969.