February 22, 2025

Osceola City Council approves site plan, talks food trucks, speed limit on Townline Road

Site Plan

Osceola Dental Care submitted a site plan for the construction of a 2,759 square foot dental clinic to go up across from it’s current location below Saylor Realty in the vacant lot on the north side of U.S. Highway 34 and Temple Street. The Planning and Zoning Committee recommended approval after their May 12 meeting.

“It’ll be nice to have another brand new building,” said Councilman Doug Gay.

The council approved the site plan for Osceola Dental Care.

Food Trucks

The owners of Hermanos Lopez Taqueria, the taco food truck which is parked in the Ellensohn’s Chiropractic parking lot Fridays-Sundays purchased a property adjacent to their residence in a commercial zone and requested the use of the property for their food truck.

“Currently our code defines a mobile food unit as a food establishment that is self contained, with the exception of grills or smokers, readily movable which either operates up to three consecutive days at one location or returns to the home-base of operation at the end of each day,” said City Administrator Ty Wheeler.

“Do we want to look into a more overreaching plan? And something we talked about last board meeting which was developing a site for food vehicles that is centrally located so there may be four or five vehicles and give people a choice and opportunity to shop,” said Councilman Tom Bahls.

The council gave permission for Hermanos Lopez Taqueria to operate the food truck on their own property since it is appropriately zoned so long as it remains readily movable.

“I would like to see on an upcoming agenda or on our Friday update some discussion on moving forward with Councilman Bahls proposal of making more uniformity to the food truck community,” said Mayor Thomas Kedley.

Speed Limit

In the wake of the recent fatal accident on Kendal street, which turns to Townline Road south of Eisehower Street, the city and the Osceola Police Department have teamed up to discuss reducing the speed limit on Townline Road.

“Currently where the pavement turns to gravel, if you’re eastbound there is a 45 miles per hour speed limit sign. Conversely if you’re coming westbound, let’s say from Eisenhower Street, there’s not one speed limit sign to be found for that road,” said Osceola Police Chief Marty Duffus.

Duffus recommended lowering the speed limit from 55 miles per hour to 35 on Townline Road south of West Eisenhower Street.

The council will vote on the speed limit reduction at the next city council meeting June 1.

Tyra Audlehelm

Tyra Audlehelm

I grew up in Osceola and live here still with my husband and son. I graduated with my Bachelor degree in Journalism and Mass Communications in 2017. I have work at the OST since January of 2018.