March 30, 2025

Kedley signs emergency proclamation

Mayor Thomas Kedley has signed a new emergency proclamation Feb. 17 in an effort “to protect the health and safety of the citizens of Osceola.” The new proclamation is an extends the protections set forth in Ordinance 627 – requiring face coverings for individuals over the age of three in public buildings – which the Osceola City Council passed on Oct. 22, 2020, and expired Dec. 31, 2020,

“We’re not through this pandemic yet and we cannot let down our guard until we make it through the vaccine finish line of herd immunity,” Kedley said.

Despite Gov. Kim Reynolds lifting requirements for face coverings Feb. 7, Kedley’s proclamation states that all Osceola residents are required to wear face coverings when inside any public, city-owned indoor spaces. Exceptions include children younger than three, individuals with medical conditions that cause difficulty breathing or is on oxygen therapy or a ventilator, individuals otherwise advised by a medical professional to knot wear a face covering and anyone actively engaged in a public safety role, including by not limited to law enforcement, firefighters or emergency medical personnel.

“I strongly encourage that all continue to practice good hygiene, social distancing and wearing a mask/face covering,” Kedley said.

The emergency proclamation also addresses attendance to public meetings in city facilities, which will be limited so that all attendees are able to maintain six feet of distance. Additionally, Kedley requests the council to extend the enforcement of Ordinance 627 until March 31, 2021.

As of 11:30 p.m. Tuesday, 11,427 tests were conducted in Clarke County. Of those, 990 individuals tested positive and 804 have recovered. Twenty deaths related to COVID-19 have been reported. For additional information, visit

Starting Feb. 1, Clarke County Hospital rolled out Phase 1B of the Iowa Department of Public Health’s vaccination program. During this phase, community members 65 years of age and older are eligible to join the waiting list to get vaccinated for COVID-19. To join the waiting list, fill out the online form at; email with the individual’s first and last name, date of birth, primary phone number, email address and zip code; or call the Vaccine Call Center at 641-342-5085.

“Do your part to fight COVID-19, wear a mask and get vaccinated!” Kedley said.

To read the full proclamation, visit



Sarah Scull is native of San Diego, California, now living in Creston, Iowa. She joined Creston News Advertiser's editorial staff in September 2012, where she has been the recipient of three 2020 Iowa Newspaper Association awards. She now serves as associate editor, writing for Creston News Advertiser, Creston Living and Southwest Iowa AgMag.