March 17, 2025

Revelton Distillery wins five awards from Micro Liquor Spirit Award

Reveltons earns Triple Gold, Gold awards in a global distillery competition

The Micro Liquor Spirit Award is a global tasting competition based out of Michigan. Rob and Christi Taylor, owners of Revelton Distillery entered the competition in the hopes of recieving some unbiased ratings and reviews on their spirits. This is one of the highest rated and most prestigious tasting competitions in the world.

Over 200 applicants participated in the global competition of small to medium sized distilleries. Revelton received two Triple Gold Medal awards, the highest award in the competition, for their Whiskey and Cream Liquor and their Honey Whiskey. They also recieved a Gold Medal award for their American Gin and Mulberry Gin and a Gold award for look and design of the bottle.

The Micro Liquor Spirit Award rating system goes:

• Triple Gold Medal

• Gold Medal

• Silver Medal

• Bronze Medal

“It was absolutely unexpected,” said Rob Taylor. “We were just looking for some critical feedback and it came back that all four of our products pretty much swept.”

No other distillery in Iowa holds this award this year. Revelton was competing against distilleries in countries like Russia, Poland, Canada, and other stated in the U.S.

“I think we’re on the right track,” said Taylor. “So for us to get Gold medal or above awards for four of our now seven products is a real milestone that we’re honored and humbled to have.”

The Taylor’s and the Revelton team see this win as helping to legitimize their brand and help them to market their products as Triple Gold or Gold winners. The awards help to put Revelton on a more regional map.

Taylor chose to enter this particular competition because it only took distilleries of the micro or local level. That way they weren’t competing against huge names like Wild Turkey or Makers Mark.

“We’ll plan on entering some of those [competitions] in later on this year and some next year,” said Taylor. “Especially when our brown spirits come on with our Rye Whiskey that we just started barreling two weeks ago. So we’re making eight to ten barrels of rye whiskey a day right now and we spent the last two months doing bourbon runs prior to that. So we plan on entering our rye whiskey and bourbon as they come to maturity. Rye whiskey will be ready in about 18-24 month and bourbon will be ready in about 30-34 months.”

Tyra Audlehelm

Tyra Audlehelm

I grew up in Osceola and live here still with my husband and son. I graduated with my Bachelor degree in Journalism and Mass Communications in 2017. I have work at the OST since January of 2018.