Candidates nomination forms for four elected positions with county government formally began March 7.
Seats on the November ballot this year include the Recorder currently held by Peggy Cummings, Treasurer currenlty held by Jessica Smith, Attorney currently held by Adam Ramsey and Supervisor District 2 currently held by Larry Keller.
Cummings has announced her run for re-election.
Depending upon which party to run for determines the number of eligible voter signatures needed on the petition. If running as a Democrat 30 signatures are needed, for Republicans 63 are needed. Petition packets are available from the Clarek County auditors office or can be found online at the Iowa Secretary of State website. Petitions must be signed by valid, registered voters.
Petitions are due Friday, March 25 and must be returned to the auditor’s office. The office will be open until 5 p.m. that day. Candidates must at least be 18 by election day, Nov. 8. Candidates can not be a convicted felon unless voting rights have been legally restored. The primary election is Tuesday, June 7.