February 20, 2025

Drought conditions force Osceola Water Board to increase water restrictions

(OSCEOLA, IA – OCTOBER 5, 2023) The Osceola Water Works Board of Trustees has been closely monitoring water levels at West Lake – Osceola, Iowa’s only water source. With much of the state in drought conditions and output from the lake already exceeding safe withdrawal limits, the board hoped to see some relief in the form of rain, but with no precipitation across the area in recent weeks and none in the immediate forecast, the board acted Thursday night to implement Section 3 of the Water Conservation Ordinance, prohibiting use of municipal water services outside restricted parameters and emergency situations.

According to HDR Engineering, the safe withdrawal rate from West Lake hovers between 800,000 and 900,000 gallons per day. With recent population and industry growth across the area, an average of 1.4 MGD (Million Gallons per Day) is what’s being drawn from Osceola’s only water source.

West Lake continues to suffer from years of drought cycles. With current levels 68.04″ below the spillway overflow, Osceola’s West Lake is now in its third year with lake levels being below the spillway, last exceeding the overflow in May of 2020.

US Drought Monitor1, this week, shows 91 of Iowa’s 99 counties in “Severe Drought” conditions or worse. Osceola’s West Lake, located in central Clarke County, is situated in a “Severe Drought” area and is just a few miles from areas of “Extreme drought”.2

The Osceola Water Works Board of Trustees is concerned with lake levels and the possibility of risking access to a safe, clean water supply for our customers,” said Brandon Patterson, Osceola Water Works Superintendent. “Without considerable rain, the community has to come together to help conserve.”

The Board’s decision brings water conservation ordinances from Section 2 - Water Warning, to Section 3 - Water Emergency, across all municipal water customers, residential, commercial, and industrial.

Section 3: Water Emergency - Restrictions

A Water Emergency may be declared when the water level in West Lake reaches an elevation 1067.0 feet above Mean Sea Level (5-feet below normal pool elevation of 1072.0 MSL). Under these conditions, no user shall use municipal water service in any manner contrary to the following:

  • All outdoor water use, except for fire and health hazard prevention, is prohibited.
  • All commercial and industrial uses of water not essential in providing products or services is prohibited.
  • Water use not necessary for the preservation of life, or the general welfare of the community is prohibited.
  • Water use for all users shall be automatically reduced to the “Base Allocation” described below during a Water Emergency.
  • Southern Iowa Rural Water Association (SIRWA) is requested to switch as much of their system serviced by Osceola to be supplied by another source where possible when the water level in West Lake reaches an elevation of 1069 feet above Mean Sea Level (3-feet below normal pool elevation of 1072.0 MSL.)

Water reclaimed or recycled after some primary use, such as water that has been used for washing or cooling, may be used without restriction. Additionally, water derived from sources other than the Osceola Water Plant may be used without restriction.

You can view the full Osceola Water Works Water Conservation Ordinance at their Website, www.OsceolaWaterworks.com

Osceola Water Works continues to look at options to increase access to water for their customers. Many ideas have been discussed and presented to the Board, but all suggestions need more research and additional engineering input to make sure the solution will be viable and cost effective.

We understand this is a burden on all of our water customers,” said Alisha Kale, Osceola Water Board Chair. “We are continuing to pursue other options to supply our community with safe water.”

If you have questions or would like more information on the Osceola Water Works Conservation Plan or services provided through Osceola Water Works, please contact Brandon Patterson, Water Superintendent at the Osceola Water Works, 208 W Jefferson St, Osceola, IA 50213, phone: (641) 342-1435, email: osceolawater2@windstream.net.



The Osceola Water Board of Trustees entered into Section 3, of the Water Conservation Ordinance originally adopted on 01-08-2009, “Water Emergency - Restrictions” of the City of Osceola.

Section 3: Water Emergency - Restrictions

A Water Emergency may be declared when the water level in West Lake reaches an elevation 1067.0 feet above Mean Sea Level (5-feet below normal pool elevation of 1072.0 MSL). Under these conditions, no user shall use municipal water service in any manner contrary to the following:

A. All outdoor water use, except for fire and health hazard prevention, is prohibited.

B. All commercial and industrial uses of water not essential in providing products or services is prohibited.

C. Water use not necessary for the preservation of life or the general welfare of the community is prohibited.

D. Water use for all users shall be automatically reduced to the “Base Allocation” described below during a Water Emergency.

Water reclaimed or recycled after some primary use, such as water that has been used for washing or cooling, may be used without restriction. Additionally, water derived from sources other than the Osceola Water Plant may be used without restriction.

Penalties - Water Emergency

The following penalties shall apply for violations of Water Emergency use restrictions imposed under this Ordinance.

A. First Violation: For a first violation, the Water Board shall issue a written notice of violation to the water user violating the water use restrictions imposed.

B. Second Violation: For a second violation, a $65 surcharge shall be imposed.

C. Subsequent Violations: For any subsequent violations, a $130 surcharge shall be imposed.

D. In addition, the Water Superintendent or designee shall interrupt water service to that customer at the premises at which the violation occurred. Service shall not be restored until the customer has paid the surcharges and the $65 service reconnection. Customer must also provide reasonable assurance (satisfactory to the Water Board) that future violations of this nature will not occur.

Any customer charged with a violation of the Water Emergency use restrictions may request a hearing before the Water Board. The Water Board may conclude that a violation did not occur or that the circumstances under which the violation occurred warrant a complete or partial mitigation of the penalty.

Base Allocation - Water Emergency

A. The base allocation of water for Residential use shall be restricted to 7,000 gallons of water usage per billing period.

B. The base allocation for Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional use shall be restricted to a decrease in water usage of 3% - 10% per billing period.

C. First Notification: For the first notification, the Water Board shall issue a written notice of the water use restrictions imposed to all customers.

D. Second Notification: For the second notification, the Water Board shall contact customers to inform them of their water usage. Water Works staff will perform a special meter read and assist the customer with inspecting for leaks.

E. Third Notification: For the third notification, a violation for not conserving water and for excess usage exists. Customers in violation of not conserving water shall pay the “Premium Rate for Imprudent Usage” as described below during a Water Emergency.

F. Subsequent Violations: For any subsequent violations of customers not conserving water, the Water Superintendent or designee shall interrupt water service to that customer at the premises at which the violation occurred. Service shall not be restored until the customer has paid the surcharges and the $65 service reconnection. Customer must also provide reasonable assurance (satisfactory to the Water Board) that future violations of this nature will not occur.

Premium Rate for Imprudent Usage - Water Emergency

In addition to the water rates duly enacted by the Osceola Water Works Board of Trustees of the City of Osceola, all customers shall pay a premium rate of $20.00 per 1,000 gallons of water consumed in excess of the “Base Allocation” during a Water Emergency.

Adjustment of Premium Rate Charges - Water Emergency

Any customer may file an appeal with the Water Board for adjustment of the premium rate charges for imprudent water consumption. The Water Board may consider an adjustment of the premium rate charges in accordance with the following criteria.

A. The adjustment shall be granted only for the billing period prior to the correction of the failure.

B. For those accounts granted an adjustment of the premium rate charges, the Water Board will decide the amount of the adjustment to include sales tax.

The Water Superintendent or designee authorized, after giving notice and opportunity for hearing before the Water Board, to reduce the flow of water to any customer determined to be using water in any manner not in accordance with this Ordinance during a Water Emergency or a Water Crisis. All fees incurred with the disconnection of service will be billed to the property owner. Service shall not be restored until the customer has paid all associated fees including the $65 service reconnection. Customer must also provide reasonable assurance (satisfactory to the Water Board) that future violations of this nature will not occur.

Passed and approved on this _5th_day of _October, 2023_.