January 15, 2025

Public hearing on dead animals set

A public hearing at the Sept. 19 Osceola City Council meeting regarding two ordinance amendments concerning the slaughter and display of dead animals resulted in the discussion being tabled for further language research.

Updated amendment wording was brought back to the council at their Oct. 3 meeting, and a public hearing has been set for the Oct. 17.

At the Sept. 19 meeting, questions were raised from both the public and council about the language not being specific to the type of animals that would be prohibited in the ordinance. The proposed amendment that would add section 6 to Chapter 40 titled “Slaughtering Restricted” stated “no person shall slaughter…any animal in open view within a residential area.”

There were concerns about how that would relate to game animals, as well as those animals processed in a commercial or industrial business. The new amendment seeks to modify the language to only include livestock:

“No person shall slaughter any livestock in open view within a residential area.”

Subsection two of Chapter 40.06 would read,

“This section shall not apply to any commercial, industrial or agricultural use in compliance with the city’s zoning regulation or otherwise regulated by the USDA.”

Chapter 55.23, “Displaying Dead Animals,” would still read that a dead animal cannot be displayed in public view, but will add subsection 2:

“This section shall not apply to the routine cleaning and handling of game or fish game, or the processing or preparation of any variety of meat for the purposes of grilling, roasting, smoking, cooking or proper storage.

Both 40.06 and 55.23 will have the same fine schedule found in subsection one of each: $50 for first violations, $100 for second violations and $150 for third and subsequent violations. Fines will be payable at the Osceola Police Department.

Comments may be made during the public hearing on Oct. 17, or prior to the meeting in writing or email to City Hall.

The next city council meeting is Oct. 17 at 7 p.m. Minutes of the Oct. 3 meeting can be found in the legal section of this newspaper, or on the city’s website: www.osceolaia.net.

Candra Brooks

A native of rural Union County, Candra holds a Bachelor's Degree in English from Simpson College and an Associate's Degree in Accounting from SWCC. She has been at the Osceola newspaper since October 2013, working as office manager before transitioning to the newsroom in spring 2022.