March 10, 2025

Meet the candidates for Murray at-large council

This is part two of election candidate questionnaires. More will appear in following issues. Candidate responses appear in alphabetical order. Election day is Nov. 7.

Pat Adams

Brief background about yourself:

Graduate of Murray High School, Associate degree in Sales/Marketing Management from SWCC. Employed by Clarke County Sheriff for 10 years as Corrections Officer. Worked at Murray Community School as a para/educator.

Why are you running? Do you have prior experience?

Community needs a change.

What do you see as specific needs of the community, and how do you plan to address those needs?

Our community needs to find a way to bring more business back to town. Access what we have for assets and how we can utilize funds to make our community more resourceful. Include all of our community resources (fire dept., sheriff’s dept., development, school, churches) in meetings. This would help council to better understand what we need to address or work together for a common goal.

What qualities do you possess that will make you an asset to the council?

I have lived in Murray all my life and have seen many ups and downs. As a former Council Member, I would like to help bring our community together by listening to their wants and concerns. Utilize our community members’ abilities to get things done, quit outsourcing activities that would keep dollars in our own community.

What do you like about Murray/what would you like others to know about Murray?

The community has always been like a large family that wanted the best for each other. It’s a great place to raise a family. We have a school that goes above and beyond, with great teachers and staff. We are not a large city. Just a community trying to be a resourceful one by uniting our large family as ONE! Let your voices be heard.

Doug Black

Brief background about yourself:

I have lived in and around the Murray area my whole life, except for the 12 years in the ARMY. I was promoted to E-7, which is SFC. I was a platoon SGT over 30 plus soldiers. I spent 3 tours in Saudi Arabia, one during the Gulf War, as a PATRIOT operator/maintainer, plus tours in Germany and Korea. I received many awards and was put in for a Bronze Star and Meritorious Service Award.

Why are you running? Do you have prior experience?

I am running for office to give the residents their voice back. For too long, what the people say or think has fell on deaf ears or went without notice. The mayor and council run the town, the administrator works for them. The council votes and the administrator prioritize and delegate down.

Yes, 12 years ago.

What do you see as specific needs of the community, and how do you plan to address those needs?

We need to balance the budget and get new businesses in town for residents to work in town, not drive elsewhere. We need to preserve our older historic buildings and prepare the community for future development. Improve our quality of life, while getting our taxes and debt under control, allowing older residents to stay in town.

What qualities do you possess that will make you an asset to the council?

Having been a soldier and then a Platoon sergeant in the ARMY, I know the responsibilities for operations of organizations and the care of people. I have been Unit safety NCO, Unit movements, Unit BDAR, to name a few positions held. I know how to lead and get the job done, while controlling the budget. I have been self-employed as a carpenter building everything from a patio to whole houses.

What do you like about Murray/what would you like others to know about Murray?

Murray is a great community, with awesome residents. Many have lived here for generations, while others come for the school or housing. Many volunteer for various non-profit organizations, to include the Fire Department, which I have been with for 20 years or so. Their willingness to volunteer and the sharing their knowledge is limited by family and their occupations.

Ben Heath

Brief background about yourself:

I grew up in Humeston, Iowa and have resided around and in Murray for the past nine years. My wife Jessica and I have two sons and a daughter. I currently Instruct at Southwestern Community College while owning and running an electrical business.

Why are you running? Do you have prior experience?

I wish to see the city of Murray strive and benefit its community. We look forward to our kids attending the Murray school, and hope to see them graduate as a Mustang. As a community we take pride in having a great school, and I feel its possible to feel the same about are town.

What do you see as specific needs of the community, and how do you plan to address those needs?

Housing, sidewalks, storm water drainage/roads, updates to our existing facilities to support our youth, and upgrade traffic signs. It’s a long list and isn’t going to happen overnight. We need to be smart with our budget and have a solid plan in place before we go spending. Along with grants, which have been exceptionally good the past few years, as a town we need to start looking at projects that will bring revenue in to help balance those cost of repairs, to ease some of the burden on the tax payers.

What qualities do you possess that will make you an asset to the council?

Level headed and open minded, while still being capable of carrying a voice for the town. I have a broad range of construction knowledge, specifically in electrical that I think could be an asset.

What do you like about Murray/what would you like others to know about Murray?

Murray is a great town to raise a family. I look forward to coming home from work every day, not just to meet my family, but also my neighbors.

Steve Jurshak

Brief background about yourself:

I was raised on a farm in Southwest Iowa. Shortly after college, my wife and I purchased land in Murray and after moving a house from the country we established residence in Murray. I have been a member of the Murray Community Fire Department joining in 1988 and serving for 35 years. I was the Director of Engineering for SIMCO Drilling Equipment in Osceola for 35 years and now semi-retired.

Why are you running? Do you have prior experience?

I am running because I do not approve of the actions of the Present City Council. When collecting signatures, I did not find one individual that was happy with the present City Council. I hope to change that. I also hear other candidates are stating they want to “clean house” with City employees. I am totally against that action. We have great employees following the leadership of the City Council. The problem is the management direction of the City Council, not the employees. As with any company, if the top management is poor, the end result will also suffer.

What do you see as specific needs of the community, and how do you plan to address those needs?

As I stated above, I believe the majority of Murray residents are disgruntled with the current City Council. I plan on more input from residents, listening, and restoring good relations between City government and the public.

What qualities do you possess that will make you an asset to the council?

In life we make decisions based on past experiences. In my job, I have collaborated with team members within the company, vendors, individual and corporate customers, regulatory agencies, and many others. Most importantly I listen to customers. I have taught courses for the Fire Department, Iowa Water Well Association, Iowa Geothermal Association, and Well Contractors Division of the IDNR. I have experience in conservation and construction practices and working within contract guidelines.

What do you like about Murray/what would you like others to know about Murray?

What attracted my wife and I to Murray 40+ years ago was the school. We enjoy living here and all the good friends we have made over the years.

Robert Myers

Robert Myers is a candidate for Murray city council.

Pat O’Neil (incumbent)

Brief background about yourself:

I’ve been a Murray resident for 13 years. I’ve been on the Murray Lions Club for 12 years. I’m married and have two children. I enjoy working in my shop, being outdoors and spending time with my family.

Why are you seeking reelection?

I am seeking reelection because we as a council have made a lot of improvements in the last four years and I want to see the city keep improving.

What do you see as specific needs of the community, and how do you plan to address those needs?

Roads chip and seal plan, upgraded playground and splash pad at Mallory Park, Mallory East development, additional new housing and housing rehab, continued storm water work & nuisance abatement issues.

What qualities do you possess that will make you an asset to the council?

Ability to think outside of the box and find solutions to problems. I’m open minded. I am always willing to help anyone, volunteerism.

What do you like about Murray/what would you like others to know about Murray?

It’s a small town with a small town feel where everyone knows their neighbor and looks out for them.