March 10, 2025

Election Day is Nov. 7

Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 7. The following names and measures will appear on the ballot. All names and measures are listed as they appear on the ballot.

Osceola City Mayor – (vote for no more than one)

Thomas Kedley

Osceola City Council 1st Ward – (vote for no more than one)

Joseph Adam Woodcock II

Dan Hooper

Benjamin Bishop

Osceola City Council 2nd Ward – (vote for no more than one)

Thomas Bahls

Osceola City Council 3rd Ward – (vote for no more than one)

Sonya Hicks

Osceola Council Member At Large – (vote for no more than one)

George Fotiadis

Miles Murphy

Osceola Council Member At Large – to fill a vacancy – (vote for no more than one)

Jose J Vargas

Murray City Mayor – (vote for no more than one)

Diana Moffitt-Robins

Jeffrey D Robbins

Murray City Council At Large – (vote for no more than three)

Darrell Douglas Black

Robert L Myers

Steve Jurshak

Pat ONeil

Ben Heath

Patricia Adams

Woodburn City Mayor – (vote for no more than one)

No Candidates

Woodburn City Council At Large – (vote for no more than two)

Vickie Brown

Woodburn City Council At Large –to fill a vacancy (vote for no more than one)

No Candidates

Clarke Comm. School Director Dist. 1 – (vote for no more than one)

Brad Lampe

Clarke Comm. School Director Dist. 2 – (vote for no more than one)

No Candidates

Clarke Comm. School Director Dist.4 – (vote for no more than one)

Rosaura Edith Flores

Clarke Comm. School Director Dist.5 – (vote for no more than one)

Wendy Short

Clarke Comm. School Director At Large – (vote for no more than one)

Ty Blackford

Murray Community School Directors At Large – (vote for no more than three)

Brian Peterson

Joseph Miller

Sarah Dinham

Tara Page

Matthew Dinham

Nicholas Smith

I-35 School Director Dist. 1 – (vote for no more than one)

Dan Hutton

Jeremy Maske

I-35 School Director Dist. 2 – (vote for no more than one)

Nathan Gibson

Eddie Vonnahme

I-35 Director At Large – (vote for no more than one)

Roger Cannoy

Jessica Bucklin

East Union School Director Dist. 5 – (vote for no more than one)

Jamie Buffington

Mormon Trail Comm. School Directors at Large – (vote for no more than three)

Stephanie Bear

Patrick D Evans

Marc Smiarowski

Southwestern Community College Director Dist. 3 – to fill a vacancy – (vote for no more than one)

Susan Stearns

Southwestern Community College Director Dist. 4 – (vote for no more than one)

Carol Saxton

Public measures


Shall the current Board of Trustees for the municipal water utility of the City of Osceola, in the County of Clarke, State of Iowa, as established by election on November 13, 1935, be discontinued, with management and control of the waterworks returning to the Osceola City Council?


Summary: To adopt a Revenue Purpose Statement specifying the use of revenues the Clarke Community School District will receive from the State of Iowa Secure an Advanced Vision for Education Fund.


Summary: To adopt a Revenue Purpose Statement specifying the use of revenues the Murray Community School District will receive from the State of Iowa Secure an Advanced Vision for Education Fund.


Summary: To adopt a Revenue Purpose Statement specifying the use of revenues the East Union Community School District will receive from the State of Iowa Secure an Advanced Vision for Education Fund.

Voting information

The polls will be open at 7:00 a.m. on Nov. 7 and close at 8:00 p.m. Polling locations for Clarke County are:

Middle precinct (Ward, Knox and Green Bay townships) - Clarke County 4-H building

Murray precinct (Madison, Troy and Doyle townships, Murray city) - Murray Community Center

North precinct (Washington, Fremont and Osceola townships) - Osceola Eagles

Osceola 1st Ward precinct - LifePoint Assembly of God Church

Osceola 2nd Ward precinct - Osceola United Methodist Church

Osceola 3rd Ward precinct - Osceola County Club

Woodburn Precinct (Liberty, Jackson and Franklin townships, Woodburn city) - Woodburn Legion Hall.

Voters who are physically unable to enter a polling place have the right to vote in their vehicle. Contact the Clarke County Auditor’s office for more information: 641-342-3315, or email:

Absentee voting is available at the Auditor’s Office at the Courthouse, 100 South Main Street, during regular business hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. through Nov. 6. All absentee ballots must be received by the Auditor’s office by 8 p.m. on Nov. 7 to be counted on time.

An approved form of identification must be provided by pre-registered voters at a polling place before casting a regular ballot. Those who register ot vote on Election Day must provide proof of residence. Voters who are changing precincts must also provide proof of residence.

For questions regarding Election Day, contact the Auditor’s Office at 641-342-3315.

Candra Brooks

A native of rural Union County, Candra holds a Bachelor's Degree in English from Simpson College and an Associate's Degree in Accounting from SWCC. She has been at the Osceola newspaper since October 2013, working as office manager before transitioning to the newsroom in spring 2022.