March 13, 2025

Stamp contest on the display

2023 Iowa Duck Stamp contest winners are currently displayed at the Clarke County Courthouse.

The public is invited to view the free 2023 Iowa Junior Duck Stamp contest winners on display at the Clarke County Court House, 100 South Main Street in Osceola, Iowa, from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.

The art work will be exhibited though February. The display includes 40 pieces of artwork of Iowa’s first, second and third place winners.

The Junior Duck Stamp contest is modeled after the Federal Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp, commonly known as the “Duck Stamp.’ The competition is held annually and all students in grades K-12 may participate in the contest.

Want to enter this year’s contest? Entries for the 2024 contest will be accepted anytime but must be postmarked by March 15. All information to participate can be obtained by contacting Alyssa Lu at (402) 676-3652 or Osceola and Murray art teachers have additional material.

All artwork must be original, not copied, traced or modeled after someone else’s photograph or drawing and oriented in the 9″x12″ landscape position.

2023 Iowa Duck Stamp contest winners are currently displayed at the Clarke County Courthouse.

Iowa entries are judged by a panel of five judges with 100 students receiving awards. State winner will receive prizes and are invited to the awards ceremony with their families. National winners will receive cash prizes. Graduating seniors can inquire about scholarship opportunities.

The Federal Junior Duck Stamp program in Iowa is managed by the DeSoto and Boyer Chute National Wildlife Refuges in Missouri Valley, Iowa. It is a conservation program designed to teach students about waterfowl, conservation and wetlands habitat through an art and science-based curriculum.

Local sponsors of the traveling exhibit are Clarke County Conservation Board, Clarke Area Arts Council, Osceola Public Library, Clarke Elementary & High Schools, and Murray School.

For additional information, please contact Mary Ellen Kimball,

641-342-4272 or