March 06, 2025

Ward One council seat still seeking applicant

The seat for Osceola City Council member Ward One is still vacant following the resignation of Dan Hooper in November. Hooper moved out of the ward, requiring him to step down from his seat.

In December, council approved 4-0 to fill the seat by vacancy, as that has traditionally been done in the past. The alternate option is to fill the vacancy by special election.

At the Jan. 7 meeting of the Osceola City Council, mayor Thomas Kedley reported no one had reached out to him as of that time expressing interest in the seat.

“I’ve had zero people reach out to me, and I have not reached out to anyone. I’m letting the people have their time to see who would like to step up and help lead their community forward into the future,” Kedley said.

Hooper’s resignation was announced on Nov. 19, and council formally accepted his resignation at their Dec. 3 meeting as well as approving filling the vacancy by appointment. The 60-day timer to appoint a new council member began, with the final day to appoint someone set for Feb. 1.

If the seat is not filled by appointment within the 60 days, the seat will go to a special election.

Anyone interested in the position is encouraged to reach out to Kedley at 563-249-1330 or via email, or may contact city hall at 641-342-2377. Ward One encompasses most of the area north of Clay Street, west of South Ridge Road and North Delaware Street to Arbor Valley.

Hooper’s term ends Dec. 31, 2027. If a person is elected, they would serve the balance of the term. If a person is appointed, they would serve until the next election. At that time, they could choose to run for election. If they run and are not elected, their term would finish immediately upon the election of a new council member.

Meeting date change

The Jan. 21 council meeting has been rescheduled for Thursday, Jan. 23 at 7 p.m.

Other council news

Council approved reappointing Mike White and Michael Evink to the planning & zoning board. Their terms will expire Dec. 31, 2028.

Two public hearings have been set for Feb. 4. One hearing will be about the adoption of the 2025-2045 comprehensive plan. The second public hearing will be about the proposal to enter into a general obligation loan agreement in a principal amount not to exceed $8,000,000, for the purpose of,

“...paying the cost, to that extent, of (i) opening, widening, extending, grading, and draining of the right-of-way of streets, highways, avenues, alleys; (ii) the acquisition, construction, improvement, and installation of street lighting fixtures, connections, and facilities; (iii) the rehabilitation and improvement of parks already owned, including the removal, replacement and planting of trees in the parks, and facilities, equipment, and improvements; (iv) The acquisition, restoration, or demolition of abandoned, dilapidated, or dangerous buildings, structures or properties or the abatement of a nuisance; (v) the reconstruction, extension, and improvement of an airport; (vi) refunding current outstanding indebtedness of the City; and (vii) funding costs of issuance related to the issuance of the Loan Agreement.”

Candra Brooks

A native of rural Union County, Candra holds a Bachelor's Degree in English from Simpson College and an Associate's Degree in Accounting from SWCC. She has been at the Osceola newspaper since October 2013, working as office manager before transitioning to the newsroom in spring 2022.