March 13, 2025

Clarke middle school band Solo and Ensemble Festival


On Thursday, Feb. 27, 2025, several Clarke 7th and 8th Grade Band Members opted to participate in the Clarke Solo and Ensemble Festival. These band members rehearsed their musical selections with their band teacher, Christie Stortenbecker, and then performed their pieces for a judge.

This year, the judge was Oscar Ortiz, a retired band director from Chariton Middle School. He listened to all of the performances and offered positive feedback to each student, as well as suggestions for improvement. Band members earned a rating based upon their performance that night. After the festival, each performer also received a written ballot from the judge and an award ribbon.

At the end of the evening, Mr. Ortiz recognized one student as an outstanding performer of the festival. This special award was earned by Naomi Medrano for her bass clarinet solo. The ratings for all of the participants are included below.

Division I+ Ratings (Highly Superior)

Klaire Blackford – Clarinet Solo

Naomi Medrano – Bass Clarinet Solo

Division I Ratings (Excellent)

Dylynn Jensen and Nevaeh Torres – Flute Duet

Neo Mora – Clarinet Solo

Jordan Murphy – Trumpet Solo

Natalie Patino and Neo Mora – Trumpet and Bari Saxophone Duet

Nevaeh Torres – Flute Solo

Jack Voss – Alto Saxophone Solo

Division II Ratings (Good)

No Division II Ratings were given by the judge.

Division III Rating (Fair)

No Division III Ratings were given by the judge.

Ava Surls was absent the day of the festival, so she did not get to perform her clarinet solo.