Funeral services will be held for 37 year old Sonya Scadden, of Murray at 10:30 am, Saturday, March 22, 2025 at the Murray Church of Christ.
Per Sonya’s wishes, please wear colorful, casual and “cheerful” clothing.
Visitation with lunch will be immediately following at the Church’s New Life Center. Interment will be held privately at a later date.
In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be directed to the family in honor of Sonya’s memory.
“My Life Obituary” written by Sonya Scadden McNeal
It pains me to admit it, but apparently, I have passed away. Everyone told me it would happen one day but that’s simply not something I wanted to hear, much less experience. Once again, I didn’t get things my way! That’s been the story of all my life. My motto throughout this cancer fight was, “If God chooses to heal me, I’ll be fine. And if not, I’ll still be fine.”
And while on that subject (the story of my life that is) … on July 13th, 1987, my parents and older brother Jonathan celebrated my birth and I was introduced to all as Sonya Annmarie McNeal. “Annmarie” was a combination of my mom’s middle name and my great grandma’s first name, the daughter of Daniel and Cheryl McNeal of Murray, Iowa. I came into this world smiling, lived life smiling and I hope my smile will live on in your hearts.
Six and 1/2 years later, when another baby girl was born - my sister Monissa, I became known as the middle child. The three of us kids became affectionately known as Jon-Son-Mon. Yup, that’s me, “Son” right there in the middle. And you know what they say about the middle child - we’re the reason there are rules! Being the middle child, I considered myself as being the crème in the Oreo cookie!
Growing up I enjoyed singing and cheerleading, pestering my siblings & friends, and laughing - oh, did I love laughing.
My illustrious working career included JC Penneys/Hallmark, Casey’s, Mosaic and DHL Supply Chain. Many colleagues became friends during these years.
Speaking of friends, I hope some of you are here today and if you are just a reminder - thank you for not allowing me to do the stupid things - alone!
At 37 ½ some would say, “She died too young.” Although that may be true, I much rather think of it as “death ends a life, not a relationship.” I know where I’m going and I’ll be safe in the arms of Jesus.
There are several people that I want to honor in memory (they beat me home - our eternal home - by a few years) - Grandpa Merle & Grandma Mary. You might remember her? She was the one who always said, “Tough as boiled owl” when talking about dealing with life’s hardships.
To my mom and dad - Dan & Cheryl McNeal; my brother Jonathan; my sister Monissa; my Grandpa Junior & Grandma Glenda; my Uncle Kevin & Aunt Melanie; My Uncle Todd & Aunt Joyce; my Uncle David & Aunt Jeanne; my Uncle Glen & Aunt Debbie; my Uncle Dennis & Aunt Christy; my nephews (Jonathan & Monissa didn’t give me any nieces); all my cousins & their families (there’s a bunch of us!); my friends & colleagues - thank you for being here today and thank you for loving me all along the way!
Memories … where do I begin?
I was baptized at the Murray Church of Christ.
I enjoyed going to Bible camp at Central Iowa Bible Camp during the Summertime.
I hung out at my Aunt Debbie’s house many a summer as well. Precious and special memories going to the Kansas City Zoo.
I graduated from Murray High School in 2006.
I loved the candy Skittles and was called “McSkittles” among my circle of friends.
I was nicknamed the “Deer Slayer.” I’ve destroyed more cars by hitting deer than I care to remember. In fact, after hitting a deer in the Roadmaster (which caused the hood to not close properly), dad just simply chained the hood down saying, “We’re not going to fix it. It’s likely that you’re going to hit another one.” Guess what? He was right!
I was affectionately know as “my elephant” by Grandma Glenda. I really like elephants!
My first “child” was my current cat named “Sophie”. Although I’m unsure how old Sophie is (somewhere around 16 in human years), I did invite her to the funeral but she refused the invitation. Something about being allergic to people?!
I married Brad Scadden on June 8th, 2013. Although things didn’t work out for us in marriage, we had two beautiful children together - Briley Kay Scadden and Prestan Ray Scadden. I’ve included their middle names here because that is likely how they remember me calling them the most. You know when mom calls you by your full name, she needs you to give her your full attention and take what she says seriously. I’ve often looked at my children and thought “I can’t see myself in them.” Then, they open their mouth and say something sarcastic and I say, “There I am!” To these two beautiful children, please remember to be kind. Be silly, be honest and always be kind! “I love you to the moon and back!”
I’ve been a very independent person most of my life. Some would say that it may be borderline stubbornness (please refer to my previous comment about being the middle child!). I’ve said, “I’m not stubborn, my way is just better!” That independence/stubbornness got me into more trouble, as my mom and dad can attest to, as well as my accomplices (a.k.a. friends - you know who are).
I’ve been a loyal Kansas City Chiefs fan all my life. For you Raider, Bronco, Charger fans, I’m glad you finally won - the coin toss!
I loved sunrises and sunsets. They brought me so much joy. I was an avid storm chaser - especially tornados.
This might be a good time to mend some fences. If I’ve harmed or hurt you, please forgive me. Monissa, I’m sorry I helped your brother shove you down the laundry chute. In my defense, it was his idea! Monissa, I’m also sorry that before you were born, Mom had told Jonathan and I that we were going to have an addition to the family. Of course, I thought that it meant that we were getting a puppy. Just imagine my disappointment when they said it was going to be a baby not a puppy! Mom and dad, I’m sorry for my rebellious years. I’m sure they contributed to dad’s early hair loss! I know I had an ornery streak - because I lived life for the joy it brought.
So … I was born; lived life; blinked and now it’s over.
No buildings or monuments were erected in my honor. But I did have the chance to know and love each and every one of you. How much more blessed can a person be?
So, in the end, remember…never stop smiling and finding joy in life.
And if you happen to see a sunrise and/or sunset, please think of me. But more importantly see God in His creation. I believe you’ll agree, He is a very good artist! God is good - all the time!
I’ll leave you with this…please don’t cry because I’m gone; instead, be happy that I was here. (Or maybe you can cry a little bit. After all, I have passed away).
Love you forever - Sonya