February 05, 2025

The Sinclair Report

Week three of the legislative session saw the introduction of a variety of legislation. Much of the work is still being done in committees and subcommittees as their members decide which legislation is ready for consideration by the Senate. While I do not have a committee assignment this year, my duties as the President of the Senate keep me busy connecting with colleagues, constituents, and advocacy groups.

In this week’s meetings I had the opportunity to listen to school board members and superintendents, non-profit volunteers, medical care professionals, medical students and their instructors, real estate developers, homeowners, landowners, members of industry associations, volunteer firefighters, and a representative from the Kosovo Consulate.

We discussed rural health care needs, housing, supporting our volunteer firefighters, property taxes, improving education, and international relations/trade. These are only a few of the issues addressed this week. Both the House and the Senate are working on priority issues and ideas brought to us by constituents, advocacy groups, government departments, and more.

This week also saw Iowans gather at the Capitol for the Rally for Life on Monday. Speakers highlighted the achievements over the last several years that have protected life in the state of Iowa. The legislature has proudly enacted a law that bans abortion when a baby’s heartbeat can be heard, and adopted policies to help pregnant women, support families, and expand adoption and foster care options. It was great to start off our week with prayer, information, and joyful celebration.

Staying in touch

I rely on your input because everything we do as a General Assembly affects you personally. You can email me at amy.sinclair@legis.iowa.gov or call me at 515-725-4122 to voice your support or concerns on upcoming legislation. Visit the legislative website for information about bills important to you or to follow the work of the legislature: www.Legis.Iowa.Gov. If you, or someone you know, would like to receive these weekly updates electronically, please visit https://iowasenaterepublicans.com/senators/amy-sinclair/ to sign up for my weekly newsletter.

Also, meet with me in your area to talk about issues important to you: Revelton Distilling Company, Osceola, at 10:00am on Monday, March 3

The Olive Branch, Greenfield, at 11 a.m. on Friday, March 7

The Dug Out Café, Orient, at 10 a.m. on Friday, April 4