October 13, 2024

Zach Nunn will NOT protect Social Security

When Zach Nunn puts his arms around those nice ladies in his Social Security commercial—they should maybe make sure their hands are on their pocketbooks. As a nice little old lady myself, I do not believe in his claims to protect Social Security—or Medicare, Medicaid, federal health insurance or to lower drug prices. In fact, he even voted against $35 insulin. Perhaps influenced by drug industry campaign contributions?

Donald Trump’s plan to vastly lower the taxes of the very rich leads to vast problems for the rest of us. Yes we may get a few cents here and there, but the enormously wealthy will benefit enormously. And that loss of revenue will have to be made up somewhere.

It won’t be long until we’ll hear that social security, Medicare, Medicaid, federal health insurance, Head Start, WIC, basic research of all kinds , infrastructure, etc., are all costing too much and need to be “revised downward.” We will also hear about a federal sales tax—which the wealthy will barely pay but which will be a greater percentage of ordinary incomes. The rich will get richer and the rest of us will be left poorer.

Nunn is a member of a DC group that proposed a budget which guts Social Security, ends Medicare as we know it, and raises the retirement age. In September of 23 he voted to cut hours for 24 Social Security field offices, cut law enforcement, Meals on Wheels, Head Start, WIC. This bill would have meant 12,500 fewer FBI personnel, 1,000 fewer ATF officers, 500 fewer members of law enforcement. He voted to cut substance abuse treatment services and the access of 1000 students to Pell GrantsAll this to cover the cost of tax cuts for the wealthy.

Please vote for Democrat Lanon Baccam. And especially vote for Kamala Harris. They really are for Social Security—and will vote the way they say they will.