October 17, 2024

Let’s Actually Solve Problems Facing Iowans

It is so frustrating to watch our legislators “fix” problems facing Iowans but don’t include Iowans in the decision-making process.

Here are two examples:

1) Our governor claims that our special education students are falling behind, and it is at the fault of our Area Education Agencies (AEAs). The solution proposed by a Virginia-based consulting firm that doesn’t specialize in education is to completely restructure the funding of the AEAs and make it a fee-for-service model.

Do you know who wasn’t included in this decision-making process?

The AEAs. Superintendents. AEA employees. Parents of kids who utilize AEA services. Who is this legislation going to hurt the most? Rural schools are already financially struggling and can’t afford a fee-for-service model.

2) Our governor claims that public schools are failing, and parents deserve a “choice” in where their kids are educated. The solution implemented from an out-of-state special interest group known as the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC): give public taxpayer dollars to private schools with no transparency, accountability, or oversight via vouchers.

Do you know who wasn’t included in this decision-making process? Iowans. Poll after poll demonstrated that Iowans did not support vouchers. Who is this legislation going to hurt the most? Rural schools that are already financially struggling and can’t afford to have more hands in the pot of money.

This is why we need a legislator like Nicole Loew, a researcher who understands how to navigate complex issues and knows how to identify, engage, and listen to people struggling with the problem.

The solutions to Iowa’s problems should come from Iowans; we know our state best. Please vote for Nicole Loew.