March 06, 2025

Jan. 30 accident reports

Police siren/emergency lights

No citations were reported following an accident on Jan. 13 in the Clarke Community High School parking lot, 800 One Tribe Dr.

According to an Osceola police report, the driver of a 2012 Toyota Highlander was legally parked in a space in front of the school. Mackenzie Kirk, Osceola, attempted to enter the stall next to the Toyota in a 2013 Chevrolet Silverado. Kirk brushed the driver’s side of the Toyota before backing up and repositioning her truck.

Damage is estimated at $500 to the 2012 Toyota and $0 to the 2013 Chevrolet.


No citations were reported following two-vehicle accident on Jan. 13 at 801 One Tribe Dr.

According to an Osceola police report, Beverly Windust had parked her 2016 Subaru Forester in the Clarke Middle School drive loop near the entrance to the Middle School. At that time, a 2015 International school bus owned by Villisca Schools/Southwest Valley driven by Phillip Garland of Villisca was attempting to make a turn into the driveway. As he did so, the rear corner of the bus made contact with the front driver’s side of the Subaru, causing minor damage to both vehicles.

Damage is estimated at $500 to the 2016 Subaru and $500 to the 2015 International.


No citations were issued following an accident on Warren Ave. on Jan. 16.

According to an Osceola police report, Yulvia Sanchez Vargas, Osceola, was traveling north on Warren Ave. in a 2010 Toyota Camry. A 2007 Pontiac Grand Am driven by Cheryl Wilson of Murray came up behind Sanchez Vargas and hit her. The accident was later reported to the police, who spoke with both parties. Wilson advised she did not recall hitting Sanchez Vargas.

Damage is estimated at $500 to the 2010 Toyota and $200 to the 2007 Pontiac.


No injuries were reported following a medical incident on Jan. 14 on W. Shaw St.

According to an Osceola police report, Bobbie Jo Powers, Osceola, had left her apartment on W. Shaw St. in a 2006 Chevrolet HHR intending to go to a gas station. Powers stated she didn’t know what happened, but that she blacked out and came to to find she had hit a mailbox. She informed officers that she takes different medications for different medical reasons, but does not usually have a problem driving short distances.

Damage is estimated at $5,000 to the 2006 Chevrolet and $1,000 to the mailbox owned by Jamie Navarro.


One citation was issued following an accident in the 400-block of E. Cass St. on Jan. 15.

According to an Osceola police report, Kaylee Carson, Woodburn, was pulling into a parking spot in a 2015 Dodge Grand Caravan. As she was pulling in, Victoria Mayorga-Vega, Osceola, started backing out of the neighboring parking stall in a 2019 Ford F150, and collided with Carson. This caused damage to the left rear door and left rear wheel well of the 2015 Dodge, and damage to the left side of the rear bumper of the 2019 Ford.

Damage is estimated at $1,500 to the 2015 Dodge and $1,000 to the 2019 Ford. Mayorga-Vega was cited for not having a driver’s license.


No injuries were reported following a car v. deer accident on Jan. 16 on Highway 34 east.

According to an Osceola police report, George Parlier, Chariton, was westbound on Highway 34 in a 2021 Toyota Camry. A deer came out of the East Gate Trailer Park and proceeded northbound, across Highway 34, running into the driver’s side front fender.

Damage is estimated at $5,000.