March 13, 2025

The Sinclair Report

In week four we continued to work on our bills, and we received more bills related to proposals from the governor.

One of those bills, received from the Governor, is aimed at enhancing math proficiency and civics education. It is specifically targeting students on an individual basis who are struggling to meet proficiency standards. It also provides teachers with resources to achieve the new standard for educational success in Iowa and requires students receive a minimum 60 percent score on a U.S civics test to graduate. I look forward to the work of the Senate Education Committee as it considers this bill (SSB1092).

Governor Reynolds also introduced to the legislature her comprehensive energy bill. This bill is aimed at enhancing the state’s energy leadership and addressing energy development to meet rising demand. The goals for this legislation include low cost energy and infrastructure reliability. The Senate Commerce Committee will be working on this bill over the next few weeks.

In 2023, the Iowa legislature passed a government reorganization bill with the goal of making government more efficient, aligning similar departments, and eliminating redundancies. It was projected to save the state money over the course of several years. A report released this week by Common Sense Institute says that Iowa’s government reorganization policy helped to accelerate the income tax cuts Republicans had passed and helped Iowa continue down a path of growth and success. As we continue our work at the Capitol pursuing an agenda that helps grow our state, we keep you in mind, the Iowans who choose to live, work, and call Iowa home.


This week I spoke with leadership and members of quite a variety of organizations and issue initiatives. Mental and behavioral health programming were highlighted on Monday, represented by many providers and the Alzheimer’s Association. Our friends from the Fraternal Order of Police, Volunteer Iowa, and ABATE helped us understand their legislative priorities and thanked us for the state’s support. Pharmacists from around Iowa visited this week, and I met with a group who understand the challenges of our rural communities and shared their experiences, ideas, solutions, and options.


I rely on your input because everything we do as a General Assembly affects you personally. You can email me at or call me at 515-725-4122 to voice your support or concerns on upcoming legislation. Visit the legislative website for information about bills important to you or to follow the work of the legislature: www.Legis.Iowa.Gov.

Also, meet with me in your area to talk about issues important to you:

  • The Barnyard Restaurant, Leon (Decatur City), at 8:30am on Monday, March 3
  • Revelton Distilling Company, Osceola, at 10:00am on Monday, March 3
  • The Olive Branch, Greenfield, at 11:00am on Friday, March 7
  • Farm Bureau Financial Service, Corydon, at 8:30am on March 10
  • Pin Oak Marsh, Chariton, at 10:00am on March 10
  • The Dug Out Café, Orient, at 10:00am on Friday, April 4